Tuesday, May 31, 2016

End of May in the Garden

Clematis in Bloom
Some, but not all, of the clematis around the yawd.
By "kennel" door
 SE garage corner
 South fencerow
 1st bloom- West Gate
 2nd year-Big garden entranceway

The Big Garden
Sweet potato patch- Row 2
 Burgundy Pole Beans- Row 2
 Squash Cage & pepper plants- Row 4
 Row 3
 Blue Potato flowers
 View of Rows 1-3
 View of Rows 3-5
 Planted basil between tomato cages
Also planted zinnias & salvias in these gaps

Kiki with plants going to streetscaping
 Potato bug on potato leaf

Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Lamb's Quarter Pie (both from garden)
and roasted white beans
 Strawberry Freezer jam (from Holly's garden)
 Asparagus curry
 Sesame Tofu (broc from Scharf's)

Cuttings: L to R: Catmint, Black & Blue Salvia, Clematis, 
Hydrangea, Sedum
 Milkweed seedlings
Fruits and Flowers
Unknown, but delicious Roses
along South fencerow

 Just ate a couple Black Raspberries today!

Hardy Kiwi vine



Another Poppy

Garden Art and Junk

 Cultivator "flower"

The found headboard project
(w/Chuy Sanchez)

The vent whirligig and a beer to celebrate

That's all folks!

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