Tuesday, November 11, 2014

First Frost- November 1

We had a very nice, long fall. We had a good week of rain, mellow temps without much swing and spectacular fall colors. I never felt rushed to get all of the last minute winterizing done in one fell swoop. We finally had our first frost on November 1 and then a little more the following evening. We've gone frost free until this week. The Polar Vortex that hit Alaska with hurricane-force winds is reaching us today. The next 4 days has highs in the mid-30's and lows between 19-25F. Come winter. 

Final Harvests:
 1/2 bucket of Kennebec potatoes

 Criolla De Cocina peppers
Probably my favorite.
Very productive. Love the colors & texture.
 Criollas, Tomatillos, Corbachi peppers

Awesome year for Sweet Potatoes
Large, no cracks, no pest damage, prolific
 The record sweet of the year
Winter Prep: Chilies
 Winter chili pepper prep
Shishitos & Peach Habs

The Chosen 8- chilies prepped for the basement
Includes: Mustard & Peach Habs, Lemon Drop & Shishitos

Winter prep: Ginger
 Looks like I have a nice Ginger rhizome here.
I plan to overwinter again (winter #2) and if it makes it
maybe I will transplant. It clearly needs more room.
A broad & shallow pot looks needed. 

Winter Prep: Houseplants Back In
 East: Living Room

 East: Kitchen
South: Kitchen (below)

Winter Prep: Outdoors
 Walking Stick Kale and Broccoli under wrap
Collards(back) & new broccoli (front)- not yet covered

 New raised beds- just concrete blocks
and simple covers from old 1x2's & reused plastic
housing- various greens & turnips
 Protecting young perennial seedlings
Coneflowers, Lobelia, Angelica
 6 young Broccoli (above)
Collards (below)
 Taller plants are less frost tolerant. 
Will these make it?
Parsnips from spring planting & collected seed- hope to eat this winter
Fall Critters
 Appears to be a lighter version of a common
spider we have around here. I saw a couple this color
in recent weeks. This one was on the Kaffir Lime.

It appears I will have even more slugs in the Geodome soon.
I caught these two mating. The white protruding objects are their genitalia. Read this interesting fact:
"Apophallation is a commonly seen practice among many slugs. In apophallating species, the penis curls like a corkscrew and during mating, it often becomes entangled in the mate's genitalia. Apophallation allows the slugs to separate themselves by one or both of the slugs chewing off the other's penis. Once its penis has been removed, the slug is still able to mate using only the female parts of its reproductive system" -Wikipedia

I found this while cleaning the garden. I wasn't sure what was going on here so
I placed the whole mess in a jar to watch.
About a week later I got my answer: Parasitic Wasps

Odds & Ends
 The Jewel Orchid cuttings are taking root in water.

The final bouquet

 1 Narcissus pulled from the fridge
 Drying chilies from Holly
Some of the overwintering plants in the basement under shop lights

Winter greens in the basement? 
Maybe. Planted 11-9-14

Fall Food:

The "Amazing" Quiche that I've already forgotten how to make.
Good thing kiddo made me write down the recipe. 
I put all of the ingredients in the blender & poured into a 
pre-made crust. It was very good. Even the former egg-hater liked it.

Reminders of A Garden Gone

I still prefer my ripening tomatoes over the 
taste of store tomatoes. Even in November.
I like to see how long these will last me.

Winter. Soon Come.