Row 4 planting completed
Potatoes, Eggplant, Beans & Corn
1st row: Royal Burgundy
2nd row: Yellow Wax
2 rows of Indian Berries Popcorn
I don't usually grow corn, but I do like popcorn
so I'm giving this a go. Row 4.
Peppers planted and protected
Row 5
A mix of peppers & chilies
with cardboard collars to protect them from
emerging weeds (smartweed). Planning on
sweet potatoes after the peppers.
My latest pole bean trellis (dumpster diving gem).
After the pole beans are 2 Elite Zucchini (plants purchased
as my seed didn't germinate) and
the cucumbers (starting in packs) will go
where the fencing is after the squash. Row 2.
Garden Critters
Carpenter Bee
Native Praying Mantis Eggcases
Tortoise bug on chickweed
Spittle Bug
on Sea Oats
The heat made me harvest the bulk of the lettuce.
It's just starting to get milky (bitter).
"New" Bromeliad holders
Found the skull mushroom hunting this spring.
Center & Corner Collections
Funnel of Sedums
More sedums and random wild violets
In Bloom
Ohio Spiderwort
Serviceberries are getting gobbled by
Robins and at least 3 Catbirds
Blue Star
Not in or from the Garden, but cool nonetheless
Kiddo saw this Giant Water Bug hurrying across the Home Depot parking lot the other day. Apparently, they are attracted to light, but where or where did this thing come from? There isn't water nearby, unless they can be found in ditches. We brought it home and released it. Not sure if it made it (they do play dead). They are also called Toe Biters, because they have been known to do that and after they pinch (their prey) then also inject them with digestive enzyme that makes them into soup and they suck the guts out. Lovely, eh?
Enjoy this Good Life.
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