Thursday, May 19, 2016

April Wildflower Hike- Salt Lick

It appears the nights of frost are behind us. We had two the week of April 15th (our last expected frost day) and this week's forecast appears to be days in the 70s and nights in the 50s. I was itching for a hike to see the spring wildflowers. We decided on Salt Lick Point Nature Preserve in Valmeyer, Monroe County, Illinois as it was close and we could spend some time in the yard and Sean could work on the bees.

So- what was in bloom on Saturday April 16th? These are the highlights, in order along the following route: parking lot, Salt Lick Trail to Newman Trail to Johnson Trail and back to parking lot.

Nesting sight of Swallows- Cliff Swallows?
Erigeron pulchellus- Robin's Plantain 
Packera pseudotomentosa
Camassia- Wild Hyacinth
White Blue-eyed grass- Sisyrinchium
Jack in the Pulpit
Yellow Violet
Spring Beauties
Fragile Fern
Wild Larkspur- Delphinium
Hydrophyllum (canadense?) Waterleaf
Dutchman's Breeches
Trillium, Geranium
False Anemone
Buutercup species?
Johnson's Trail

The bees were all over it.

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