Maybe you've seen the meme of a gardener in the snow with this title? That's how I feel most winter days. It's 27 degrees outside and I'm building tomato cages, but I can't stop myself. Addict.
A few thoughts about the cages. I'm trying them instead of my old method. The 2x3 holes are not ideal, but I plan on cutting some larger holes to access maters. I hope they are sturdy enough. I'll probably tie them all together, have tie downs and landscape fabric stakes. They are only 4ft tall. So, lots of things I'm not sure about, but willing to give it a go. The old wooden 1x2's I used last 2-3yrs, so I had to do rebuilding each year. I am looking for something a little easier & reusable. One roll of this coated fencing made 10 cages at about $3.65 each, which is very reasonable. It's an experiment. I'll report back how it goes.
Seedling ID
Morning Glories- pink striped
Salvias-top and bottom
Notice how the mint members have similar cotyledons
I just like how they are flat on one side and rounded on the other.
Can I have a favorite cotyledon or is that weird?
Overwintering Updates
The pathetic chilies at this time of the year.
Ivy Geraniums have begun to bloom again.
First hyacinth to emerge (below).
First seedlings to germinate (above).
Kale bouncing back nicely. No sign of slugs yet.
Well, if there is going to be an assault to the dome I
would prefer it happen in March.
And it did. I suspect the neighbor cat. The plastic
on this door was 2 years old so it is a little weak and the cat is
of healthy weight. And he likes to sit on the dome. Ugh.
Chard, leeks and shallots perking up (below)
Below: Celery
Above: Cipollini Onions- red
Below: Hollyhocks and Blanketflower
Above: Peppers. Going to need to restart a few varieties.
Below: Salvias (2x) and Feverfew
Tomato seedlings!
Below: spring greens and lettuces I've been cutting from since November

March 10, 2015
The above notes were saved as a draft and I'm just now getting around to posting with updates.
I started to wonder if my gardening addiction isn't related to the soil microbes that are associated with positive feelings. Maybe my addiction is really soil/bacteria related and less about the plants and I just don't know it. I suppose it's a relatively harmless addiction to have if one must have any.
On Sunday March 1 we received almost 6 inches of snow. Might it be our last? This week is suppose to be in the 50's with lows in the 40's.
Dome updates:
Collards are looking nice and no bug holes!First hyacinth to emerge (below).
First seedlings to germinate (above).
Kale bouncing back nicely. No sign of slugs yet.
Well, if there is going to be an assault to the dome I
would prefer it happen in March.
And it did. I suspect the neighbor cat. The plastic
on this door was 2 years old so it is a little weak and the cat is
of healthy weight. And he likes to sit on the dome. Ugh.
Chard, leeks and shallots perking up (below)
Basement seedling updates
Above: Rustic Colors and Chimchiminee Black Eyed SusansBelow: Celery
Above: Cipollini Onions- red
Below: Hollyhocks and Blanketflower
Above: Peppers. Going to need to restart a few varieties.
Below: Salvias (2x) and Feverfew
Tomato seedlings!
First Harden off day-March 10, 2015
With the promise of above freezing temps for the next 5 days, along with the drizzly gray day it seemed as good a time as any to start hardening off some early-seeded plants from the basement.
These spent 1 hour in the light rain and then went under the east porch for protection.
Above: fennel, parsley, lovage and valerianBelow: spring greens and lettuces I've been cutting from since November
Book recommendation
I just started reading Eating on the Wild Side, but I am enjoying and thinking. The premise is that we have, for the most part, been selecting against nutrition since the dawn of agriculture some 10,000 years ago and should consider eating either more wild foods, more foods closest to their wild relatives or planting seeds of plants that have been bred to have higher nutritional content (think purple carrots). So far the highlights for me have been that artichokes are healthier than I thought and so I'm going to eat more of them and that smaller onions have more nutritional value than larger ones. Green onions, shallots and leeks are healthier than bulbous onions and sweet onions have the least nutritional value. In many foods the stronger the flavor, the more nutrients it probably has- bitter greens for example. When we selected for sugars, we lost other nutrients.
Food Stuff and my "More of this" List
Empty jars slowly create promises to fill tomorrow. I'm eating a lot from jars this fall-winter-spring and have a running list of "more of this" to freeze or can next summer. Today's soup, for example, came from 1 jar of enchilada sauce, 1 jar of tomato sauce, 1 jar of zucchini, 1 bag of corn (all frozen) and 1 can of store-bought black beans, plus spices and brown rice. Enchilada Soup
More of This List:
Frozen pesto
Frozen garlic
Frozen Okra (for gumbo)
Frozen Zucchini (I sauted in olive oil and then packed in quart jars)
Frozen Roasted Fresh Salsa (best salsa I've made)
Frozen whole roma tomatoes
Frozen cut corn
Frozen Broccoli and Cauliflower (from Scharf's when in season)
Frozen sauted Hen of the Woods mushroom (or at least- do this again as it turned out well)
Frozen- chopped, olive oiled onions in jars
Frozen- fresh herbs in olive oil
Frozen Lamb's Quarter
More dried herbs: oregano, thyme, Thai basil
Because I like to plan even if I don't actually follow the plans. I know. Whatever.
The 2015 Summer Garden plan on paper. Even though I've mostly switched to garden journaling here, instead of on paper, I still make a paper plan and a big ole To Do list.
The many gardens and lists
Time to get yo shit together, according to Clyde:
Clyde's Garden Planner says I could have done my first plantings 9 days ago! Damn. Of course, the ground was frozen then, but it's time for first plantings of: onion sets, peas and spinach outside.
I haven't done any of these yet! Geesh. Gotta get on that.
TEN. Count them- 10 days until the first day of spring, folks.
Remember when we thought it would never warm up- like last week, remember?
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