Prunus americana- Wild Plum (native)
My wild plum trees are wildly productive. They produce small (large grape-size) red plums with sour skin and very sweet yellow flesh. I'm practicing making Wild Plum Wine with these, but I'm sure they would make great jelly too.
Serviceberry (juneberry, shadbush)- Amelanchier canadensis (native)
Serviceberries look and taste somewhat similar to blueberries. I eat them right off the tree. They are suckering small trees/shrubs, but don't overly spread themselves. They produce a small crop and the fruits do not all ripen at the same time, which makes them good as yard snacks. The leaves are pretty in fall. It is a good landscaping plant for it's 3 season appeal- flowers, fruit and leaves.
Clove Currant- Ribes odoratum (native)
This is a wonderfully smelling native plant. Not surprisingly the flowers smell like cloves. It is beautiful in bloom and is an early pollinator plant.
Redbud- Cercis canadensis (native)
These flowers are edible and taste like peas.
Scarlet Honeysuckle- Lonicera sempervirens
This species is native to the south, yet does more than well here. In mild winters it will flower on occasion. This one has already begun flowering, which is nice because it provides food for the hummingbirds before they have even returned to this area.
Jonquil Narcissi- Stratosphere
While the large-cupped daffodils have already lost their steam due to the exceptionally warm weather (it has been in the 80's for over a week now). The Jonquil types are now coming into bloom. This is a multi-flower, small cupped variety with tall stems. It encircles my dwarf peach tree.
Grape Hyacinth
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