Before & on Memorial Day: Events
Before and After
I get so repulsively excited when Stinkhorns pop up in the yard! Immediately upon opening the back door I KNEW it was there. Just follow your nose. The flies found it and removed the spores in no time flat. See the brown mass on the first photo and then gone on the second?The next day the fungus was gone, like it never happened. Fleeting natural events. Since I'm in charge of celebrations today I celebrate the Stinkhorn.
I bought a successive broccoli seed mix from Territorial Seed this year. Several of the varieties bolted quickly. Instead of wasting the food plant I collected the leaves, stems and flowers and made a stir-fry with them. It was completely satisfying. If this happens to your plants- just eat it!
just eat it.
Our lovely bolted broccoli stir fry, fresh strawberries and salad from the garden.
What do you do when you have leftover cucumber & melon seedlings, but no place to put them?
You make a new bed!
Below: outline the bed with a shovel & sticks
Wa-la = new bed with more plants. Who needs grass, anyway?
Food in Jars
1 head of local cabbage + 2 shredded carrots + salt + caraway = future sauerkraut.
I easily forget that NOW is the perfect time to harvest, dry and store some herbs, like chives & oregano. Done.
Garden at the Back Porch
Relocated water fountain
Pot of Browalia & Rosemary
New wall plant hanger- from Freuhlingsfest with
Goblin-fingered jade
This year I did fewer porch pots and am trying annuals and herb combos.
Here I have Curry plant, Lavender, Berggarten Sage and petunias.
New- Verbena- Glandularia bipinnatifida
(say that twice)
The "Old" Garden
Doing fine. Looking Good.
The Broccoli & Carrot bed.
Das Biergarten
Salvia "Caradonna" Catmint & Perennial Cornflowers in bloom.
Centaurea dealtbata- Perennial Cornflower
Grown from seed- Thompson & Morgan (source)
Skyward Caradonna
Memorial Day visitors: this Lovely Black Rat Snake and
a smaller, possibly Water Snake, near the garden.
Third snake of the season. Three different species!
Happy Snake Day!
First Harvest:
First Serviceberries are coming in- the robins told me so. I wish they would just eat the ones I can't reach and save the "low hanging fruit" for me.
The rose: Is it Cecile Brunner? I can't remember. She is lovely and oh so aromatic. She lost the support of the old dead peach tree this year, but doesn't appear to have suffered.
See her behind the prairie? She's huge!
In other bloom news:
The torch lily by the veg garden.
The Coreopsis I started from seed last year- first bloom.
Above & below.
Missouri Primrose
Clematis- violacea
I can't get enough of the diversity in these
old fashioned petunias that appear each day.
A friend sent me this tshirt idea.
I love a good play on words.
This is my BIO...TCH face.
The "Old" Garden behind me.
This garden needs to slow down a bit.